In today’s fast-paced business world, how you communicate can be just as important as what you communicate. Whether you’re recording your voicemail greeting, leaving a message for a client, recording a voiceover for social media, or delivering your elevator pitch at the Chamber of Commerce, one thing is certain—your intent and passion are reflected in your tone. Speak with passion, and people will take notice.
Why is this important? People want to do business with individuals they perceive as successful. A person’s voice carries an unspoken message, and confidence in that voice is often the difference between sealing a deal and being forgotten.
Think about it: people who speak with hesitations, excessive “ums,” “ahs,” and verbal stumbles can come across as unsure or less competent. On the other hand, those who communicate with confidence and clarity are perceived as more authoritative, more capable, and, ultimately, more successful.
The Secret is in the Delivery
Command of language doesn’t mean you need to use overly complex words or jargon. Instead, it’s about the delivery. Consider a simple introduction like, “Hi, I’m Bob, and I provide plumbing services.”
Now, imagine that statement being delivered in two ways: one sheepishly, with mumbled words and little eye contact, and the other with clear articulation, a confident tone, and a bit of energy. Which person would you trust more to get the job done? The confident one, right? That’s because confidence translates into trust, and trust translates into business.
The Musical Nature of Your Voice
Speaking confidently isn’t about speaking loudly; it’s about speaking with purpose. Let’s take it a step further—think of your delivery as musical. A monotonous, flat voice is boring and will cause your listener to tune out. But if you speak with rhythm, pause for effect, and emphasize key points, your voice becomes engaging.
For example, consider these two sentences:
- “Speaking each word monospace and monotoned is boring and will cause your listener to tune out.”
- OR
- “Speaking each word with pauses, emphasis, and energy will captivate your listener.”
One commands attention, the other doesn’t. It’s the art of how you say something that can make all the difference in how it’s received. You don’t need to sound like a Shakespearean actor; you just need to sound interesting.
Clear, Confident, and Passionate
No matter the situation, speaking clearly and passionately is crucial for your business success. Whether you’re talking to one person or an entire boardroom, sounding interesting and engaged will capture attention and lead to opportunities.
If you need help with critical business voiceovers or want to ignite a fire in your business messaging, I’d love to help! Contact Ed Bejarana at (208) 209-7170 or to learn more about how my engaging baritone voice can help you stand out.